Union Church of Bay Ridge
(between 80th st and Ridge Blvd)
7915 Ridge Blvd
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Email: unionchurchbr@gmail.com
Phone: 718-745-0438
Fax: 718-745-0439
Rev. Bob Anderle, Pastor revbobanderle@gmail.com
Nishani Pierre-Louis, Playgroup Director and Administrator
Nana Shi, Minister of Music
Responsible involvement in the ministry of Christ’s church includes: “supporting the ministry of the church through the giving of money, time, and talents” (section G-1.0304, PC(USA) Book of Order).
Thank you for your interest in giving to Union Church of Bay Ridge (UCBR) and its missions. UCBR strives to budget at least 20% of all income to mission and benevolence. As you know, your contribution in cash or in the pledge/mission envelopes may always be placed directly into the offering plate passed around during the 11 AM service each Sunday.
Online Giving through Tithe.ly…
You may now also give electronically. When you press the “Give to Union Church” button on our home page, or below, you will be taken to our Tithe.ly giving platform where you can give electronically via a major debit/credit card of your choice. Once you have signed up at Tithe.ly, picked your church (Union Church of Bay Ridge!), set up your password and payment preferences, you can easily return and make later gifts, efficiently and securely. You will receive an immediate thank-you email from the church, and your card’s statement will read “Union Church Giving” for each gift you make via Tithe.ly.
Please note that you can designate one of the following twenty online giving-fund TYPES of the church. If you don’t select a fund, your gift will automatically go to the Offering fund:
· Offering; PC-USA Mission; Local Mission; Benevolences; Memorial Fund; Organ Fund; Windows Fund; Building Fund; Pastor’s Fund; Per Capita Apportionment; and General Fund.
· There are also these 5 PC-USA seasonal/national mission campaigns: Christmas Joy; One Great Hour of Sharing; Pentecost Offering; Peace & Global Witness; Disaster Relief.
· As well as these other 4 local mission campaigns: Presbyterian Parity (Welcome Fund); UCBR Concerts; Soup Kitchen/Homeless; Christian Ed/Youth.
There is also a MEMO box at the Tithe.ly site where, if you wish, you can designate your gift toward a specific mission fund or name the person memorialized in a Memorial Fund gift.
N.B. PLEASE make sure you see our name Union Church of Bay Ridge as the “target” for your gift at Tithe.ly. (Over 3,000 other churches are using Tithe.ly!)
SECURITY. With the securely encrypted Tithe.ly online payment system, you may pay through your preferred debit/credit card. This system is secure for your password, card information, payment history, etc. Tithe.ly’s standards meet Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards (PCI Level 1 compliant service) for handling, storing, and transmitting credit-card information. Once you set up your password-protected account, you should be able to monitor your current and past online giving.
FEES. A small, 2.9% + 30¢ transaction fee will be deducted from your online gift to the church and its missions. For example, if you give $100, UCBR will receive $96.80, after the $3.20 fee’s deduction by Tithe.ly.
COVERING THE FEES. However, you may also opt to pay that transaction fee, so that the church receives the full amount intended by yourself. Look for the check-off box for “Cover the Fees.” In the above example of a $100 gift, if you elect to cover the fee on a $100 gift to UCBR, your credit-card account will be charged $103.30 (that’s $100 plus 2.9% of the total transaction + 30¢). (That example is figured by taking the gift amount [100] plus 30¢, all divided by 0.971.) If you have questions, please contact Bruce MacIntyre, Elder, at bcmacintyre@aol.com.
Tithe.ly’s APP. For convenience, you can download the GREEN Tithe.ly Giving ‘app’ to your iPad or iPhone. It can be quickly found through your device’s App ‘locator.’ Once you’ve set it up with your password and 4-digit personal identification number (i.e. PIN), you can easily complete your online giving, including the set-up of recurring gifts or donations to specific funds and missions.
OTHER OPTIONS through Tithe.ly Giving. If you wish, you can set up a recurring gift so that a set amount is given by you to a particular fund (e.g., Offering) on a regular basis (e.g., weekly or monthly) on specific dates. In the future, the church will probably also be running its annual Stewardship (pledging) Campaign and specific mission and building campaigns through Tithe.ly’s online resources.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: When you give online through Tithe.ly, please make sure you have selected the correct “campus” (church) for your gift: i.e. Union Church of Bay Ridge in Brooklyn NY. (Several thousand churches are using Tithe.ly’s services, so it could be easy to make the mistake of selecting the wrong church for your gift.)