Children of any age are always welcome in our worship services! For those parents who prefer to have their children with them in worship, please know we feel blessed by their presence, wiggles, giggles, fusses, and all. We have a small activity table at the rear of the sanctuary for those who would like the option. For parents who would like other options, we offer the following…

Sunday School

Sunday School typically is held from September to June each year. At Union Church, we currently hold a bi-weekly, mixed-age, “one-room” class. Children begin in 11:00 a.m. worship with their families, and are dismissed for class from worship, around 11:15 a.m. On Communion Sundays, typically the first Sunday of the month, children are welcomed back up into the sanctuary around 12 p.m. to join us for the Lord’s Supper.


Throughout the year, nursery care is provided each Sunday during worship in our playroom under the supervision of our Playgroup Program Director and Church Administrator, Nishani Pierre-Louis. We are blessed with a large playroom space stocked with a wonderland of toys and activities for young children.


Bible Study

Bible study has been on hiatus since the pandemic, but we plan to reconvene in-person in the Fall of 2023. We typically meet on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., with classes scheduled from September to June.